Attracting and nurturing talent

 Attract the Best Faculty 

In order to attract internationally renowned scholars as well as to enhance the teaching and research development of the University, UMDF established the schemes of ‘University of Macau Development Foundation Named Professorship’ and ‘University of Macau Development Foundation Fellowship’ respectively, UMDF will confer the professors according to the recommendations made by a designated committee of the University. So far, there have been four UMDF named professors and one UMDF fellow bestowed.


UMDF Named Professorship:


UMDF Fellowship:


 Nuturing High-calibre Talent 

In line with UM plan to train more high-calibre professionals and develop postgraduate education in a sustainable manner, the UMDF supports the University to launch the UM Macao Talent Programme and funds the UM Macao PhD Scholarship to attract the best students from around the world, which serves to enhance the quality of graduate education. Until 2022, the University has enrolled 86 outstanding PhD students engaged in academic researches..